Evernote for Genealogy · Genealogy How Tos · How To Videos

Using Evernote for genealogy: F-A-N research

Have you ever wondered how genealogists make sense of the thousands of documents they find?

Do you have a hundred tabs open on your browser, and you’re terrified to close any of them for fear you’ll never find them again? 

Have you heard about researching the friends, neighbours and acquaintances of your person and given up before you even started because it just seemed too overwhelming to think about where to put all those “extra” files?


Or, at least, that was me before Evernote. In this video, I’ll show you how I use Evernote to organize documents that might be useful, because I’ve never seen anyone talk about this, and Ancestry’s systems of saving documents is both hard work and confusing, and filing should NEVER be that hard, or confusing.

Using Evernote for genealogy: F-A-N research


PS: If you like captions, click the CC button on the lower right of the video.

And if you’d prefer to see this video in YouTube, the link is here.

If you’ve got a particular question, let me know in the comments below! Thanks!

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