Canadian Genealogy · Genealogy How Tos

How to read an original record for evidence

In this post I share my thoughts on some confusing concepts in genealogy - original and derivative records; negative evidence; primary, secondary, and indeterminable information - all by looking at one original record from the BC archives. Genealogy Search - BC Archives Those of us fortunate to research in British Columbia rely on the Royal… Continue reading How to read an original record for evidence

Family history stories · Genealogy How Tos

The story behind the story “Genealogy – a Detective Story”

This is a story about a wild idea that led to a whole summer of genealogical discovery, meeting new people, and publishing my first magazine article. The idea behind "Genealogy - a Detective Story" Have you ever wondered what you could do with a brand new tree and a few clues to get you started?… Continue reading The story behind the story “Genealogy – a Detective Story”